Thierry Isambert hails from the Champagne region of France, and always had a passion for cuisine. He refined his expertise at “L’École Hôtelière Poligny,” and obtained a masters degree in finance from “L’École Hôtelière de Paris.”

Thierry has gained much inspiration over the years from his extensive travels, exploring the tastes and flavors of exotic destinations. His cuisine features highly structured creations, based on classic, 17th century European recipes, infused with a blend of Mediterranean, Caribbean, and pacific influences.

Thierry continues to research and test choice ingredients both locally and abroad in order to keep abreast of evolving tastes and cultural influences affecting culinary trends. Because the freshness and taste of the base ingredients is of utmost importance for the success of the recipe, Thierry sources the finest ingredients from local producers and suppliers, staying as true as possible to the spirit of the “farm-to-table” concept.

In 2009 and 2015 the Ministry of France awarded Thierry Isambert the prestigious “Mérite Agricole” medal. He was thus honored for his culinary excellence, business integrity and his community involvement in charitable events and philanthropic donations.